Saturday, August 25, 2007

Evapco ESWA: The Most Efficient Fluid Cooler on the Market

Recently, Evapco introduced a new fluid cooler design that blows away other traditional units in efficiency and sound performance.

The secret? They re-thought how to design a fluid cooler.

In their testing, they found that the most efficient heat transfer occurred in a fluid cooler coil when the coil was completely flooded with water. However, in a traditional fluid cooler design, this condition could not be attained because air flow was needed over the coil in order to evaporate a portion of the spray water pouring over it.

Traditional Fluid Cooler Design

A little out-of-the box thinking led their engineers to realize that there were two heat transfer processes that really mattered in a fluid cooler:
1. The spray water cooling the fluid in the coil by conduction
2. The air cooling the spray water water by evaporation
Both of these processes were optimized in different conditions. So they decided to separate the two processes from each other:

New ESWA Design

The new ESWA cools the spray water with conventional cooling tower fill and then, only after the water is cool, floods the coil for optimal heat transfer.

The result? A fluid cooler that uses 30%-50% less energy than a traditional induced draft cooler, and up to 80% less than a forced draft tower!

And there are other benefits, too. Since the water basin is completely enclosed, the splash noise from the basin is attenuated, making the ESWA one of the quietest fluid coolers on the market. The basin is also accessible, making the ESWA coil extremely easy to inspect and clean. And since the air inlets are above the coil, very little 'stack' effect is created, making the heat loss from a standard ESWA in heating season less than that of a traditional fluid cooler equipped with positive closure dampers!

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